I’m amazed that it’s been two months since I wrote my last post. A blog break was not intended – but necessary. All is fine here but life has been busy and some new things were added to our ‘plate’. My sweetheart’s schedule has become crazy at times and that always affects mine.
In the middle of life it’s easy to forget to stop and take care of ourselves. It's important to make sure we have time to relax and refresh. We hadn't been able to go away together this year and we knew summer would soon be over. A couple of weeks ago we quickly decided we simply
must get away. Our schedules are full with upcoming commitments and two hunting seasons that take my sweetheart away. Winter will arrive shortly after he returns and the holiday season will begin so we knew we had to make it happen right away. We did a quick search for a campground somewhere on the Oregon Coast with space available at such a late date, and –
viola! – we found it. A new-to-us place – Tillicum Beach Campground (between Waldport and Yachats for those who know the Oregon Coast) - is now at the top of our favorites list. It’s a wonderful place and we plan to go again and again. We couldn’t complain about our site – it was just right for us. See who is enjoying the sunshine and sea breeze?

The weather was wonderful! Two mornings we had brief rain showers but the rest of the time was sunny and warm and absolutely gorgeous. We had nice views from our front window. . .

And our side window. Pardon the reflection from the kitchen window. There was no other way to capture this view.

The stairs down to the beach were just across the road from us. The view from the top of the stairs would have been worth the walk from anywhere in the campground!

This beach is incredible. Wide sandy beaches go on forever - to the north. . .

And to the south.

Our days were relaxed and without stress. We walked on the beach more than once a day, talked about whatever came to mind, dreamed dreams, and marveled at the beauty of God’s ever-changing creation. Our constant companion loved it all. We didn’t have to say the word ‘beach’ twice before he was ready to go!

We didn’t want to come home! But we knew we must! There are many things to share – and I will – but now I must be busy with ‘real’ life once again..