Quite a few bloggers have a word they focus on every year. About three years ago I began to do the same. It was one of those times when I became aware that a certain word was capturing my attention over and over. It seemed that God was bringing that word to my attention constantly. My word for 2012 was ‘Joy’. I had a similar experience a year later when the word ‘Delight’ seemed to be in everything I read and heard. I knew I needed to ‘delight’ in life a bit more than I had. Then a little over a year ago life took a hard turn just before the beginning of 2014. My dear mother fell and broke her pelvic bone and there were other issues to deal with, too. Again, the word ‘Joy’ came to my attention every day and it became my word again for 2014. If ever I needed to focus on joy, it was over this last year.
As I approached the end of 2014 I decided I was not going to pursue – or even think about – a word for this new year. I was just going to mind my own business and if God dropped it into my heart I would know it was from Him! No searching, no thinking, no guessing. Just minding my own business and doing nothing out of the ordinary to discover a word for this year. Then it happened. Again. I realized God was whispering a word to my heart - over and over. Again and again. There was no doubt that His ‘still, small voice’ was bringing this word to my heart. And I knew exactly what it meant for me. The incredible thing was that I also was very aware that it was not just
my word – it was for my sweetheart, too. It was for us together. That was a bit unusual but it made sense to me. When I shared this word with him, he immediately embraced it with his whole heart and we both knew we would ‘walk’ this word together through this year. It’s been very incredible to think of the possibilities but it also brings responsibility. And work. Hard work. While we don’t know everything this word will bring to our lives this year, we do know one thing. There is no doubt God has spoken. This is what He has told us we are to do.
My Our word for this year is:

We got quite excited as we read the different meanings of this word. Even the definitions touched our hearts! In many ways we can’t wait to see how this will affect our lives this year and for many years to come. Here is what we found:
pre·pare (a
verb – requires action)
* to make someone or something ready beforehand for some purpose, use or activity
* to make yourself ready for something that you will be doing, something that you expect to happen
* to make or create something or someone so that it is ready for use
* to put in a proper state of mind
* to work out the details of: plan in advance
Prepare is an action verb expressing a doable activity. It must have a direct object - something or someone - who receives the action of the verb. We have already begun working on our lists of ‘doable activities’ that we believe are involved in our preparation. Preparation for what? We don’t know exactly what we are preparing for – we just know we are supposed to prepare for something God has planned for us. We know we will be here – in this home, in this place – while my dear, little mother is with us. We also know the day isn’t far off before we will need to deal with two homes, two properties, two ‘sets’ of belongings. Ours and hers. We firmly believe God has given us this direction. We are to prepare for that day the best we can. We have things to do in and around our home. We have projects that were begun but not finished. We have business to set in order. We have things to learn. We have things to accomplish. We have to get busy!
The verse God gave me for this year was one He brought to my attention in the middle of a very desperate, hopeless time many years ago. I saw this verse on a magnet as I was walking through a big store many years ago. It spoke to my heart – in the situation we were facing – and I scraped together what little change I had in my purse and bought it. It was a splurge at the time! That magnet is still on my refrigerator today. It’s a faded reminder of His word to my heart back then. It has been a reminder of His promise through the years –and again for this year. Again, He drew my attention to this verse and I knew it was the verse for this new year:
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.
They are plans for good and not for evil,
to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
So, my friends, we are busy preparing. We’re evaluating and cleaning and sorting everything in our home, our garage, our attic, our shed – everything in our lives. We are getting ready for something. We don’t know what or where it will be, but we know it will be just right. And it will happen at the right time. Exactly the perfect time.
How do we know? Because ‘
God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true.’ (Psalm 18:30)