Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Out And About. . .Heading South
I’m on the road today – heading south. My dear friend, Jane, from Tickleberry Farm is driving north. And we’re going to meet in the middle! Well, not exactly, precisely in the middle but somewhere close! We’re meeting in Historic Jacksonville, Oregon. On the south end of the state. We have rented this sweet, little cottage for a few days of time together. Time talking and catching up. Time antiquing and thrifting. And time away from the routines of everyday life.
Duncan Cottage is right in the heart of Jacksonville within walking distance of just about anything we might want to do. Close to wonderful places to eat and delightful shopping excursions. And it’s yellow. My favorite color! Even the kitchen is sporting some yellow – the walls, the teakettle and the vintage yellow chair. I know it was meant to be.
I’ll share more about our trip soon. I will not be blogging while I'm away - I'm off for some time to disconnect a bit. Time away. It’s going to be special to spend time with such a dear friend. Would you believe that we met here? Online. On our blogs. Then God arranged for us to meet face-to-face – for real and in person - and we have become very special friends. Kindred spirits. Sisters of the heart.
Friday, October 11, 2013
More Special People
I just couldn’t share our son’s children without letting you meet our daughter’s four kids, too. They live about a mile from our home and I love it when I hear a knock on the door and look up to see one – or all - of them smiling through the window!
Our oldest granddaughter – our first grandchild – is Miss A. She is a Sophomore in high school this year. She is a strong, young woman who is fun to be with. She loves to read and I really enjoy it when we two discuss what we’re reading. I often gain a new outlook on life when we’re together – at times she challenges me to ‘get with the current century’, especially with technology! Maybe that will help me stay young!
Mr. C. is growing up so fast. He is in seventh grade this year. He loves be active – skate-boarding, riding his bike, being active in Boy Scouts and all kinds of ‘guy things’. He went hunting with my sweetheart this year and he came home with such great stories. He really enjoyed spending time with the hunters in my sweetheart’s family and learning more about camping and life in the woods.
Miss E. is in fifth grade this year. Over the last few months she has changed a lot. She’s not a little girl anymore – she’s a delightful young lady. It’s fun to be with her and enjoy her discoveries of the world around her.
And there’s Miss H., a busy three-year-old. She is such fun to talk to. She loves to ‘help’ whenever she’s here. She likes to help in the kitchen or with yard work – it doesn’t matter, she wants to be involved. Her eyes light up whenever she sees us and when she gets to come to our house by herself, she’s absolutely delighted. I’m so glad it’s a treat she looks forward to.
When our daughter was a little girl we never guessed that she would grow up to be the mom of four kids who could possibly add so much to our lives – it was more than we could ever imagine. It always amazes me how often she tells us that ‘now’ she understands how we must have felt or why we said and did certain things. Becoming a mother has given her a whole new perspective – and a deeper appreciation for us! I think maybe we’ve grown a bit smarter than we used to be!
Our oldest granddaughter – our first grandchild – is Miss A. She is a Sophomore in high school this year. She is a strong, young woman who is fun to be with. She loves to read and I really enjoy it when we two discuss what we’re reading. I often gain a new outlook on life when we’re together – at times she challenges me to ‘get with the current century’, especially with technology! Maybe that will help me stay young!
Our lives are full – and blessed! We’re blessed with grandkids who love us and whose lives have added so much to ours. I’m so glad God planned it that way!
‘What a bargain grandchildren are!
I give them my loose change, and they give me
a million dollars' worth of pleasure.’Gene Perret
I give them my loose change, and they give me
a million dollars' worth of pleasure.’Gene Perret
Monday, October 7, 2013
Special People
Yesterday morning my sweetheart and I drove south of our home ways to join our son and his family at their church. We enjoyed being there with them. After the morning church service was over, we went out to lunch together. One of our grandson’s, Mr. G., rode in our car with us and we loved the conversation and laughter we shared together. He is in the fifth grade this year. He told stories about school and his teacher and we reminisced about our school days. He’s a delightful young man – and proud of his new braces.
Mr. H. is a busy five-year-old. He is doing homeschool Kindergarten this year and he is amazed by a lot of the things he’s learning. I think he’s sure what he’s learning is something we’ve never heard of before. I love his enthusiasm and confidence. He and I sat together on one side of the booth so we had some good discussions.
Our oldest grandson, Mr. R., is a freshman in high school this year. He is a good football player - such a good player that the high school coach took him off the Junior Varsity team and moved him up to the Varsity team. He scored a touchdown last Friday night and he had video on his dad's phone to show us since we weren’t able to attend his game.
Miss B. is our youngest granddaughter. We helped her celebrate her first birthday was in August. She's growing so fast! She is a happy, little girl and her smile warms my heart. After church was over, our son, Mr. J., picked her up at the church nursery. He handed her to me and she snuggled down on my shoulder with her little face toward mine. Just some 'Grandma cuddles'! I don’t have to tell you that made this grandma’s day! (That’s her daddy with her in the photo below.)
There’s someone else who loved being with our grandkids, too. My sweetheart!
There is nothing that brings more joy than spending time with my grown kids and grandkids! I’m so proud of them. They are growing so quickly and we love seeing how their personalities and talents develop as they grow and change. It makes me happy to see the way they have been taught and the direction they go in their daily lives. To see our son and his sweet wife parent these gifts from God in ways that lead to lives as productive young men – and some day a young woman – brings such pride to my heart. And I have to smile because there were times I wondered if their daddy would ever learn the lessons needed so he would grow up to be the man he is today. I am blessed. Truly blessed!
(Our dear daughter-in-law couldn't join us yesterday. She is a realtor and she was busy 'closing a deal' for some of her clients.)
(Our dear daughter-in-law couldn't join us yesterday. She is a realtor and she was busy 'closing a deal' for some of her clients.)
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Till The Storm Passes By
In the dark of the midnight
have I oft hid my face,
While the storm howls above me
and there's no hiding place.
'Mid the crash of the thunder,
Precious Lord, hear my cry,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
have I oft hid my face,
While the storm howls above me
and there's no hiding place.
'Mid the crash of the thunder,
Precious Lord, hear my cry,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Many times Satan whispers,
‘There is no need to try,
For there's no end of sorrow,
there's no hope by and by’
But I know Thou art with me,
and tomorrow I'll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies.
‘There is no need to try,
For there's no end of sorrow,
there's no hope by and by’
But I know Thou art with me,
and tomorrow I'll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies.
When the long night has ended
and the storms come no more,
Let me stand in Thy presence
on the bright peaceful shore;
In that land where the tempest never comes,
Lord, may I
Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by.
and the storms come no more,
Let me stand in Thy presence
on the bright peaceful shore;
In that land where the tempest never comes,
Lord, may I
Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by.
Till the storm passes over,
till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Till the storm passes over,
till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Song: ‘Till The Storm Passes By'
Written by Mosie Lister
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Round and Round – Part Two
I shared a bit about the Albany Historic Carousel and Museum and I showed you a few things from the painting room. Now I’d like to take you into the carving room where raw wood is shaped and carved and comes to life. It’s an amazing place – you could spend a lot of hours there. Each carousel animal starts with an illustration of the finished piece. Then blocks of wood are chiseled and sanded and shaped into reality.
It’s amazing to see the process as each step progresses. All around the carving room are carousel animals in different stages.
Look on the shelf below the carved horse. The tail is finished – waiting to be added to the body.
Once the body is finished, details are added. First they are drawn onto the wood. . .
Then, with careful precision, they take shape.
Some carvers had ‘props’ to help them develop accurate perspective.
This cute bear has glasses. I can’t wait to return and see her when she’s finished.
Her basket has already been carved and is waiting for her.
The carvers are all volunteers. You can see that they spend many, long hours to make each carousel animal become reality. They are committed to their work and their dream to see the carousel in action.
Because of their hard work – and their passion – someday I may be able to watch my grandchildren ride the Albany Historic Carousel. And I may be riding right beside them!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Round and Round – Part One
One of the places we went with my out-of-state cousin when he visited with us a few weeks ago was new to us, too. My ‘local’ cousin and her hubby told us about it so they took all of us to a fascinating place I want to visit again sometime. I took so many photos it’s hard to decide what to share with you. I’ll consolidate some of the bits and pieces into a collage or two – or more – so you can see what I mean. And I’ll share this adventure in more than one blog post.
I love carousels – I’ve always loved them! When I was a little girl my aunt took me to the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, California and I had my first ride on a carousel. Since then, they have always captured my heart. You can imagine the ‘magic’ I felt when I stepped inside the Albany Historic Carousel and Museum about an hour south of our home in Albany, Oregon. The carousel is not finished – it’s in process. The animals are being carved and painted by volunteers who donate thousands of hours to make it become a reality some day. People can ‘adopt’ a carousel animal and many have adopted animals in memory of dear ones in their lives. The carousel will look like when it is finished.
As soon as you step inside the building where the carousel animals are being made, you begin to see the process that turns raw wood into a beautifully carved and painted carousel animal. Walk through the door and up a few steps and you are in the painting room where you will see completed animals and some that are still need work.
A few finished animals are on display in the paint room. The horse in the foreground is a working ‘riding’ horse – for the children who visit. What a good idea! The others all have signs that say ‘Do not touch!’
I loved the detail on this one. Her little face is so sweet.
I want you to meet ‘Harriette.’ She’s my favorite. She was adopted in memory of a dear grandmother so every detail was carefully planned to reflect her life. She collected frogs so there was no doubt what animal should represent her.
In her arms Harriette is holding a jar – it’s a canning jar! Because Grandma always canned food for her family every year. What’s in this canning jar? Bugs! Fireflies! (Keep reading and you’ll find out why.)
Grandma never went anywhere without a hat, so ‘Miss Harriette’ must have a hat – with a yellow rose because she loved yellow roses. Her favorite color was purple. She always wore an apron so her family chose to ‘dress’ Harriette in a purple dress with a pinafore-apron. And she always had a hankie in her pocket. There was no way that detail could be left out. And the duck on the pocket? Well, Grandma Harriet l-o-v-e-d the University of Oregon Ducks!
When she was a little girl Grandma’s mother made her dresses out of flour sacks. How to represent that? Yep – they figured it out!
Each carousel animal has a sign that tells their story. Harriette’s sign says: ‘Harriette is perhaps the most whimsical animal on the Carousel. Everything on her is symbolic of some aspect of Anna Murphy’s life. She has twelve tadpoles on her apron, one for each child. She caught fireflies as a child, and always had a safety pin on hand. Just in case! The yellow rose was her favorite flower, and purple was her favorite color. And she even wears pants made of a flour sack! Adopted in loving memory of Anna H. Murphy by her family.’
One more look before we go into the carving room.
I’ll show you part the carving room tomorrow. That’s where it all starts – from the raw wood, into the hands of skilled craftspeople, to a work of art that moves into the painting room and comes out ready to be mounted on the carousel. It’s done with precision and care by people who believe that what they do will bring joy to the hearts of people – young and old – from near and far. That makes every moment of their hard work worth it all!
If you would like to read more about this fascinating place, visit their website here.
If you would like to read more about this fascinating place, visit their website here.
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