
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Land Of The Western Cowboy

P5152849We’re in Cheyenne, Wyoming tonight.  The land of the western cowboy – home of the largest outdoor rodeo.  They say it’s the ‘Daddy of them all’!  It’s a beautiful town filled with history.  And cowboy boots!P5152858Big cowboy boots.  Eight of them - but we only saw three.  'These Boots were Made for Talkin' was a fundraiser project for the Cheyenne Depot Museum endowment fund to help ensure future success of the museum. The boots were painted by local artists and originally sponsored by local businesses and then auctioned off.  This one is decorated with Wyoming license plates.  The top has painted vintage plates and the top of the foot and the toe are inlaid with pieces of real Wyoming license plates.P5152865Cheyenne is the Capitol of Wyoming.  The capitol building is at the end of a main street in the historic downtown area.  It was pretty impressive with the sun shining on the golden dome this evening.P5152860We left Twin Falls early this morning – just as the sun was rising above the canyon walls.  We made one last stop before heading south.  I just had to take a photo!P5152821And the view behind me was spectacular, too, with the peaceful canyon floor below and the sun shining on the top of the rim.P5152826Tomorrow morning we will leave early again and drive to the home of my sweetheart’s cousin.  His sister will arrive there tomorrow, too, and we will have a good visit before we drive south a ways for the ‘big’ reunion later in the week.  I don’t know what kind of online access I’ll have so I may be silent for a while – or I may be back to share more soon.  Whenever I do, you can be sure there will be a lot to share.


  1. I'm enjoying your trip right along with you! This is the same route our youngest daughter took when she moved to Missouri, I remember those cowboy boots!

  2. I love those cowboy boots! Pretty amazing!

    And the pictures of the Snake River from Twin Falls --- that place always amazes me! And whenever I am there I think --- oh, just a few miles down the road is where the river goes right past my house! I also shake my head in astonishment that Evil Knevil actually tried to jump his motorcycle across that canyon! Crazy!

    Continue to travel safely. You are making great time!

  3. How cute are those boots! Wouldn't it be fun to decorate one?
    Wow, that last photo is breathtaking. What a wonderful trip:>)

  4. How adorable are the boots! WOW! Looking like an awesome trip. So glad you are allowing us to travel alone with you! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. Looks like you had a great trip. Glad to see that you are doing well and that your mother is still thriving. Miss you sweet Adrienne! Thanks for leaving a comment
    Hugs, Rhondi


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