
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Home At Last

(downtown in our hometown)

My sweetheart and I arrived home last evening – tired but happy to be here at last!  The day was long but we didn’t mind.  We were headed home.  The time had come to return.  When we arrived in town we went straight to my dear, little mother’s home.  She didn’t expect to see us – she thought we would call and say we were home.  The smile on her face and the hugs she gave were priceless.  She seems a bit frail but is an amazing lady.  The peace that surrounds her is beyond understanding!  She is able to do some basic things to keep life going at home but she will need help with many things.  We will need wisdom to make the best decisions.

Thank you for your prayers and words of love and support.  It means so much to us.  Times like this remind us how many people really do care and the world of blog is no different. Soon I will share more about our trip – it was wonderful.  Just what we needed. 
It was time with folks dear to our hearts.
It was time in the beauty of God’s creation.
It was time together.
It was time to relax.

‘There’s nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.’
Margaret Sangster


  1. Glad to know you made it safely home and you were able to be with your little mother. I've been right where you are and it is hard making these decisions. It was so hard to convince my mother she couldn't live by herself anymore. She finally knew it was the right thing to do, moving to a retirement home, but she still will say - one day I might be ablog to go back and live in my condo. Oh, Lord! :)
    Continuing to pray for y'all!
    Shelia ;)

  2. Glad you are safely home. I pray for God's wisdom as you care for your Mama. Love to you!

  3. The smile on your mothers face must have been balm for your heart. I so admire the relationship that you have with your mom. I will be praying for her health and for wisdom in the decisions you have to make my friend:>)


  4. So glad to hear you are safely home dear friends! Hope your return trip was pleasant and full on wonderful beauty and delight seeing different country(though Colorado is pretty awesome I think!)

    We are praying for you and your sweet mom- know you are all safely tucked in the palm of His hand!

    bee blessed

  5. Welcome home. I imagine that your Mother was indeed thrilled to see you. My Mother passed away in March; she was 101. Because she lived next door to me she was able to stay (with help) in her home right up to the end. I miss her terribly but she had such a blessed life and we were blessed with her.

  6. It's always good to be home but especially when our heart is concerned about someone there. My prayer is that God will give you wisdom and discernment and peace as you make some hard decisions. blessings, marlene

  7. It is indeed good to travel, but then pure joy in returning home. I hope your mom is gaining some strength.

  8. Praying for you and your sweet mother. I still remember the first time you intoduced us to your mom here on the blog. I remember thinking what a wonderful little woman she is, and how much your love for her really showed through your words. You have such a beautiful, sweet relationship. May God continue to bless you both.


I am grateful that you stopped by to visit me. Your kind and gracious comments are appreciated and treasured.