
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Encore–The Best Is Yet To Come

It may seem I have disappeared – been missing in action – gone somewhere!  No, not true!  I’ve been so busy with some ‘new’ things in my life that I’ve not slowed down long enough to take photos, write a blog post or do much more than stop by and peek in to see what you are doing once in awhile.  I have appeared here and there around blog land but there hasn’t been much action here on my blog.

My sweetheart and I have ventured into a new ministry at our church – a ministry that has long been on our hearts.  We are developing a new ministry to mature adults at our church and in our community.  This has been on our hearts for a long time – talked about, dreamed about, prayed about.  It's now becoming reality.  Our church has had a long-standing monthly potluck luncheon for the senior citizens in our congregation but there haven’t been other areas of ministry to those of us who have reached a ‘more mature’ age.
Because my sweetheart has not yet retired and is working very long hours each day, much of the ‘footwork’ and the things needed to lay the foundation for this new ministry have been on my shoulders.  We have almost completed putting together a team that will help direct and carry out the plans we envision for this new ministry. 
The name of this new ministry is ‘Encore’.  Perhaps the article we wrote for the latest edition of our church newsletter will give you a better idea of the reason behind the name and the scope of our vision:

ENCORE – a ministry to mature adults
ENCORE - the name says it all. If you have ever been to a concert that was so excellent you didn’t want it to end, you have most likely cheered for an encore. Stood and applauded and maybe even whistled. Wanted more and hoped the best was saved for last.

This encore metaphor expresses the attitude of many mature adults: Life has been good because God is good. We want more. Perhaps the best is yet to come.

This is a new focus of ministry being developed at Bethany. The largest population group in the U.S. (78 million) is the Boomer generation, those born 1946 – 1964. The Builders, those born before 1946, have been called “The Greatest Generation”.

God is calling us as a church to intentionally reach and disciple mature adults (55+) and to develop relationships in a friendly, loving environment. Over the next few months expansion of this ministry will include:

· Workshops – issues that are relevant to the lives of Boomers and beyond;

· Outreach projects – in our community and outside our community;

· Intergenerational activities – connecting with younger generations;

· Silver & Spice – monthly potluck luncheon and inspiring program, a ministry to the Builder generation;

· Sunday Evening Praise – an intergenerational monthly praise gathering featuring hymns, special music, testimonies and much more. Mark your calendar for April 29th – everyone is invited.

Watch for additional information in the near future!

The best is yet to come
Dave and Adrienne
Mature Adult Ministry Leaders

Last Sunday evening sixty people came for our first Sunday Evening Praise - it was wonderful.  They sang their hearts out!  We can't wait for next time!

Yesterday I took several of our senior ladies to the Tulip Festival in a nearby rural area.  Afterwards we had lunch together in a new restaurant here in town.  We had such fun.  I’ll share our outing with you tomorrow.

Believe me when I say, we’ve only begun – the best is yet to come!


  1. What a fantastic idea Adrienne! So often the generation you are talking about are so often forgotten, and they have so much wisdom and maturity to offer. I look forward to hearing about some of the events and how the ministry progresses.

  2. That sounds wonderful!!! I wish you wisdom, energy, and great success on this new venture! I think it will really fill a need.

  3. Congratulations on the new ministry. I know God is going to bless your efforts mightily! blessings, marlene

  4. Oh, that is so wonderful, Adrienne. I do wish I could be there. :) I know that you and your husband will bless those older adults. God bless you and your ministry. Love you ~

  5. What a blessing! Praying for you and your husband as you lead this new and exciting ministry! Praying for those that will embark upon this ministry to grow in the Lord as well. Exciting times in the life of your church! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. Oh my gosh, this is fabulous for you and your congregation! Blessings to you, enjoy!


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