
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Back Again

P5223292(a sneak peek)
After several days without internet – and, at times, cell phone service – I am back online again.  At the home of a dear blog friend.  We’re visiting Mary of Mary’s Meanderings - and her hubby - in southeast Colorado for a couple of days.  I’ll share more soon.  If you read her blog you know her home is as wonderful.  It's even better than in her photos!  I’ll share more soon.


  1. HI Adrienne! Oh, I'm sure ou're having a marvelous time! Tell Mary hello and y'all take lots of pictures.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I am sure you had fun! Can't wait to see pics. And...sometimes it is GOOD to be without internet and all that outside stuff! Ha! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. What a lovely photo! Have fun on your visit:>)

  4. Had not visited this blog, but her home does look beautiful. Love the garden flowers. I imagine you are just loving it.

  5. Hi Adrienne, Your vacation sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see your photos! Love the pic of your granddaughter checking Joey's heart! So cute!


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