
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The News We’ve Waited To Hear

We are SO excited here at our house.  Over-the-moon thrilled.  Our whole family is buzzing about the news.  The smiles on our faces won’t go away! 

A few weeks ago I shared here that we are going to have another grandbaby in August.  Our son and daughter-in-law are expecting baby number four.  They have three of the most wonderful boys and we’ve waited to hear what God has chosen for them – and for us – this time.  Yesterday we found out that this sweet baby is
A GIRL!!!!!!
This is the news we all hoped to hear!  We wanted a healthy baby, for sure. That's what we prayed for.  She and her mommy are healthy and doing great.  Baby - GirlI’ve got to get busy – time's a wasting!  There are things I want to make for her.  And things I need to do.  Time to get my knitting needles and crochet hooks out again.  Time for my sewing machine to go into high gear.  There are things I want to do with her when she's grown a bit.  Little china teacups will need to be taken down from the cupboard and dusted off, ready for little fingers to hold so we can have tea.  There will be books to read and songs to sing.  Ruffly, pink, happy thoughts just keep running around through my mind today!  Pink MonkeyEight grandchildren!  Is it true?  Can this be real?  Yes, it’s true!  Our daughter has three girls and a boy – now our son will have three boys and a girl. 

Eight hearts to hold in ours.  To love.  And treasure.
Eight special smiles.  And giggles.  And laughter.
Eight voices to tell tales.  And share hopes and dreams.  

We are so blessed.  More than we ever believed possible.


  1. Congratulations! Babies are such a wonderful blessing. I know you're going to have a great time planning and making nice things for her. Blessings, Marlene

  2. congratulations...I am so happy for you! Happy Easter!

  3. Congratulations! I know the feeling, we have a girl due in June! I have so many creative thoughts going through my mind. Plus, now I will have 2 grand-daughters in Oregon to play with; other is 4yrs. I've already planned a layette set and a few dresses to make. Isn't it so much fun!!! : )
    Hope you'll visit and link up one of your projects at my Frugal Treasures Tuesday party going on until Sunday night.

  4. Congratulations! So exciting. Nothing like those precious gals! I have 3 granddaughters and 1 grandson. Needless to say though the grandson rules the roost! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. Congratulations, what wonderful news! Bring on all the pink and frilly!! Our second Grandbaby is due end of September but we wont find out whether its a boy or girl until the day! Have a lovely Easter. xxx

  6. How exciting and what fun you are going to have. Wonderful!

  7. Hi Adrienne
    Just stopping by for a long overdue visit. What wonderul news!! I am so happy for that mom that she gets to have a daughter. We have 3 sons and a daughter and she is such a blessing to us, especially me.
    I hope you have a joyful Easter. We are resting up today to get ready for the Easter services we are volunteering at Sturday and Sunday.
    I miss visiting with you!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  8. Congratulations! I know you have to be excited! And August isn't very far away!!!

  9. So excited for you Adrienne!! How fun to anticipate the patter of little feet soon!

    Pray you and hubby have a wonderful Resurrection Day celebrating the victory over sin and death!

    This is the first year since we moved that we won't be going back to NM for the weekend. Will miss being with family for sure but anticipate a lovely time with some friends here.

    bee blessed

  10. That is wonderful, Dear. I can tell you are so excited! I can't imagine 8! Happy Easter. Hugs ~

  11. How exciting! Little girls are a special treat with all the pinkness and ponytails:>) I am so happy for you!

  12. Yes you are blessed, the greatest gift and congratulations to all.

  13. You are blessed! I sent my baby quilt to the quilter last week. So excited. On the 23rd we have been invited to the ultra sound, this is the one that should show if it is a boy or girl. It is all so exciting.

  14. Congratulations! Another little girl! This is so exciting now get busy making little girl things.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. congrats congrats!! blessings for sure!!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    good luck to the parents!!!

  16. This is fabulous news!!! I'm so excited for you. My granddaughter is expecting twins in August. On Monday we were supposed to find out what the babies are (they are identical) but neither one of them would show us! They are already stubborn! Maybe next time. I can't wait to crochet, knit, sew, etc. too. This is great. I'm so happy for your daughter. Life is good, isn't it!

  17. I LOVE THIS NEWS. A new baby is soooo precious and I am very happy for all of you. xoxo

  18. Hi Adrienne, been a long time, my friend! Hope all is well and CONGRATULATIONS on the great news about a baby girl! Sugar & spice oh how nice!

  19. I've been browsing your blog and catching up with you. What wonderful news about the little girl baby!!



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