
Monday, March 26, 2012

Under The Weather?

If I tell you I’m a bit ‘under the weather’, would you know what I mean?
If you knew that our weather last week was like this. . .
would you worry that I was buried under the snow?  Or, if you knew that it looks like this outside my window today. . .

would you think I’m outside getting a suntan, sipping a cool something beside the pool and basking in warm breezes?

None of those things would be accurate in the truest sense of the word.  We did have snow last week but I wasn’t buried under it's frozen whiteness.  And we do have sunshine today but it’s not warm and I’m not outside. 

I have been a bit ‘under the weather’ with sniffles and sneezes and coughs that don’t want to go away.  The weather doesn’t seem to make a difference!  I’ll be back to ‘normal’ soon, I’m sure.  In the meantime I’m puttering and playing and reading and planning a trip we’ll take later this Spring.  It’s a good time to be inside – a good time to do things that need to be done.  Things I'd rather do minus the sniffles and sneezes.  Things said without the raspy, deep voice that disappears when I least expect it.  I’m thinking of warmer days free from whatever came my way.  I’m grateful to be breathing again and sleeping without coughing.  And for the sunshine that makes an ‘under the weather’ day a bit brighter.  So much to be thankful for - no matter the weather!


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon! ;)

  2. Hope you feel better soon! Maybe it is allergies....

  3. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well :-(

    Yes, I feel we will meet someday too! It better not be 12 more years! I'll be too old then! LOL!


  4. Oh, Dear, I'm so sorry you are sick. Praying you will be well soon. Hugs ~

  5. Praying you feel better soon! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. Be well, dear friend. Happy planning!

  7. Stacey made it home..boy was she surprised by the weather up there. Snow, hail, sleet and sunshine...and thankfully she didn't get sick. Hope you feel better soon

  8. Hello Adrienne! Hope you are felling much better now!

  9. I hope you are feeling much better by now.

    Everyone here is dealing with allergies. The pollen has been awful. I sit in my office and hear sniffles, sneezes and coughs. We're all a mess. Hopefully since the pollen came early it will leave early.

  10. I knew exactly what you meant and I am 'in the same boat'. Do you know what that means!!


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