
Friday, March 9, 2012

A Promise Kept–A Bit Late!

Oh, I know I promised to show you a new find – a real treasure – and I didn’t do it!  I gave you a sneak peak before life took me several directions at once.  Here’s what you saw:
Sneak Peak
And then I disappeared for awhile!  Life has taken me out-of-state twice – two conferences in different states – on different weekends.  Catching up at home has taken longer than planned. 

At the wonderful sale I shared here, I found something I have dreamed of finding for quite awhile.  Since I bought my sweet, little vintage trailer – Miss Daffodil – I’ve longed to find just the right vintage tool box.  A tool box for tools needed for small things, minor repairs and little projects.  Certainly not planned for major break-downs.  None of those will be allowed!  As I stood at the wonderful sale and talked to one of the vendors – a friend – I turned around in her booth and. . .there it was!  Just right.  Perfect!
Isn’t she just the cutest little girl toolbox?  And she’s yellow!  Be still, my heart!
Inside, there’s the sweetest little tray to hold tools.  And room for more below.
Now I’m looking for vintage tools – useable, in good condition – to fill the yellowness of this new treasure.  The two vintage screwdrivers with yellow handles were found at a nearby thrift store.  Ninety-nine cents each!  My sweetheart told me there is a place not far from our home where we can go and find bins of vintage tools.  Cheap Inexpensive!  I hope we can go soon.  My sweet, little toolbox is getting anxious to be of some use!


  1. Oh it is perfect. What a special find. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  2. Oh how adorable! I love her too! So cute! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. I love your little yellow tool box! She is perfect for Miss Daffodil!

  4. It's a adorable! Bling for your Miss Daffodil!

  5. Cute as can be! I hope we see more of daffodil this spring and summer!

  6. What a perfect find. Oh a yellow tool box will go so perfectly with your Daffodil.


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