
Monday, March 12, 2012

One-Of-A-Kind Portrait

You must see a very special portrait.  It’s one-of-a-kind, nothing quite like it.  Never was.  Never will be again.  Fortunately, one of our favorite photographers was close by and more than willing to capture the grandeur and beauty of the moment.

Are you ready?

OK – ready or not, here it is!

For the first – and only – time in blog land,
may I present to you. . .

my sweetheart and I!
The Old FolksPhotography by Miss A., a dearly loved granddaughter –
taken in the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Chemistry Lab –
safety goggles carefully chosen by Miss A. herself –
proudly shared with the photographer’s friends round the world seconds later via cell phone –
later shared with millions on Facebook!

(no grandparents were hurt in the production of this venture)


  1. LOVE IT! Maybe you should enlarge and frame it and hang it over your fireplace! :)

  2. You two look like a hoot! Thanks dear lady for stopping by to visit me when you can. Always makes my day! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. So Funny Adrienne- Grand daughter did a great job picking our coordinating goggles! and how nice to see your hubby! I don't know if I have seen a picture of the man in your life!

    bee blessed

  4. LOL. Oh, you little silly! This is precious! What we'll do for our kiddies! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Hee hee!! you got me! I was scrolling down from the beautiful rose...and ran smack dab into your goggles.! I have something to share with you...I'm going to email you.

  6. Would you email me please, I have your old address

  7. True Love is a beautiful out-of-the-box thing!!!! Love how the pink and blue is backwards! LOL

  8. So fun! I hope you get a big 8 x 10 of that picture framed. What a good memory for those gloomy times. :)

  9. I love this! So fun to have moments like this and better yet to have a record of it! Good to see your silly faces~

  10. This brings a smile! You are so cute and your hubby must be very secure, he's wearing the pink goggles! lol

  11. So cute!! Your sense of humor is shining through!

    You may be interested in the post I just did on my blog (tea at Disney World, with a blogger friend!) Please come back!


  12. I absolutely love this, Adrienne!

  13. Funny. You both have your specs on too.


I am grateful that you stopped by to visit me. Your kind and gracious comments are appreciated and treasured.