
Monday, February 6, 2012

Junkin’ And Other Delights

Saturday was a gorgeous, sunny day and my sweetheart and I were on a mission.  We wanted to get out of town and spend a bit of time in a beautiful part of our area – time to check out some ‘junk’ and something else.  We heard there were going to be vintage trailers on display at Junk Salvation, a vintage flea market, not far away.  So, we planned our day and away we went.  When we arrived we were greeted by this sign.
We paid our fare (with discount coupons, of course) and walked inside.  Once inside, we asked about the vintage trailers.  We were told there were only two this year – one this way, and one that way.  Off we went to find them.  This little trailer was the first one we found.  She was for sale!
A peek inside was all it took to remind me why I love vintage trailers.  The little kitchen. . .
And the ‘bedroom’.
Cute, huh?  I was so excited I could hardly stand it – I just wanted to go home and start working on my sweet, little Daffodil (updates to come soon about her ‘doings’).

We browsed through the vendor booths and saw such fun things.  Just a short while later we found the other vintage trailer – and, oh my!  What a sweet, little trailer.  She belongs to one of my ‘Sisters’ from Sisters On The Fly.  We had a personal tour and learned a lot of information about the work they had done on this cute, little Shasta trailer.  In the middle of all the fun I forgot to take a picture of my Sister and her trailer.  Too much excitement!  So, I ‘borrowed’ a picture from FaceBook.  (Don’t tell anyone, please.)  Just wanted you to see her.
Sweet Shasta
I loved the view through the front window  - she's so inviting.
The back is so cute, too.  She drew a lot of attention.
And the inside?  Oh – I didn’t want to leave!  I wanted to see every little nook and cranny.  Didn't want to miss a thing!
The little kitchen at the front of the trailer is the same style as mine and I was thrilled get an idea of how sweet Daffodil will be when her kitchen has been put back together.  Isn’t this just about the cutest, little kitchen?
This sweet, little stove is exactly like mine.  I can hardly wait until my stove is ready to use!  Can’t you just imagine the aroma of cookies baking?  Or, hot muffins just out of the oven on a crisp and cool morning?P2042437The most fun I had at the flea market was meeting Sisters-On-The-Fly Sisters and seeing blog friends and vendors I know.  It was a reunion of sorts.  What a great place to have a reunion.

Oh, by the way – I bought something for Daffodil!  Just a peek, OK?  Tomorrow you can see more!
I know – that’s not very nice of me, is it?

(If you’d like to see more of the flea market, Girl In Pink has some awesome photos – including a peek at the door of the cute, little vintage trailer that captured my heart!)


  1. I have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of Daffodil pictures! These campers are so very cute! Did I tell you I dressed mine up last Sept when hubby took me camping for my birthday. Ours is a 93 so it doesn't have that vintage charm going on but it turned out so cute. I took pictures and need to do a post on that one of these days when I have some time!

    bee blessed

  2. Oh, I am a wee bit jealous that you got to go to the junk fest! Actually, so happy for you that you and yours hubs got to have such a nice time together. Those trailers are so cute, and I too, can't wait to see your Daffodil!

  3. I just adore that second trailer Adrienne! All those darling touches of red and vintage. Be still my heart! I can't wait to see what you are doing to daffodil:>)

  4. Those little trailers are adorable. Can't wait to see more of Daffodil!

  5. Looks like you had a great time! The trailers are so adorable! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. I didn't know about this junk fest and I am just a tiny bit jealous too. What fun! Loved seeing these vintage beauties. Can't wait for a new visit with Daffodil.

  7. Aw, those trailers are very cute. I know yours will be too! Glad you had fun. :)

  8. Those trailers are adorable! I would have squealed once I had stepped into the second one. The decorating in it is just perfect. You're going to have great fun with your Daffodil!

  9. Looking forward to seeing yours finished.


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