
Friday, February 3, 2012

Finds and Treasures

We don't yet see things clearly.
We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist.
But it won't be long before the weather clears
and the sun shines bright!
We'll see it all then,
see it all as clearly as God sees us,
knowing him directly just as he knows us!
I Corinthians 13:12
(The Message)


  1. Oh it is wonderful. I love it. What a thrilling find and I love the tote too. Aren't you just thrilled. Hugs, marty

  2. Oh my what a fish! I love fishing...and hunting matter of fact. Love me a thrift store ad a yard sale! Looks like you two are having a ball! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. How wonderful! You will have such fun with your "new" machine and it was so affordable. I love it when things like that happen!unsora

  4. YaY! And being a Kenmore, it should be a great little machine! I'm so happy for you!

  5. Wow! She is a beauty. Much nicer and newer than the one I use here at home. What a find and the perfect price. I think I must visit this thrift shop sometime. My aunt told me there was a good thrift shop in Gladstone too.

  6. You're going to love having this machine Adrienne. I have a little Singer Featherweight that I brought with me this month to the mission. It only does a straight stitch but it's a beautiful stitch and perfect for piecing quilts. You're going to have logs of fun! blessings, marlene

  7. Oh my gosh, I'm jumping up and down with joy for you!!! It's just perfect! This was meant to be. You will have the best time sewing on this little beauty I bet. Enjoy!!!

  8. What a deal AND a thrill! Now you got to give her a name, LOL.

  9. Oh wow, she's a modern little Kenmore! Very, very nice!

    I have a feeling the travel case is going to cost you more than the machine. Maybe you have connections to a good deal? I have been searching for such a travel case for my machine and everything I look at it so expensive!

    Many happy stitching experiences to you!

  10. Oh, what a great find!!!
    You will be able to sew to your hearts desire while hubbys out fishing. I bet you could bring along an extension cord and even sew out at the picnic table. How fun!!!

  11. Yeah! How wonderful. It looks like the perfect machine for your travels.


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