
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back Again

Joey, my little rascally dog, recently sneaked into my office to tell you that I was having back problems.  Thank you for your good wishes and prayers for my recovery.  I am much better and I’m able to do most of my normal activities again.  At first my doctor thought I had a compression fracture in my back but the good news was that x-rays didn’t show a fracture.  They showed that I have osteo-arthritis in my back so I’m learning to change the way I do some things.  A bone density scan yesterday confirmed that my bones are strong and healthy.  That was good news that gave me peace of mind.  However, I did learn that I’m shorter now than I used to be!

If I had needed a wheelchair during my recovery, I knew exactly which one I should buy.  I could multitask while I was recovering.  When we were at the Oregon Coast for our anniversary weekend last month, we stopped at a little antiques and collectibles store in an old gas station beside the highway.  This was parked near the front door.2012-01-15_13-50-43_105When we saw it, we couldn’t help but smile.  We had to get closer to see this amazing piece of equipment! This was a ‘working’ chair.2012-01-15_13-51-07_845Think  of the lawns you could mow and the things you could do!  The sign on the seat gave more ideas.2012-01-15_13-50-51_411I don’t know if the price included Winnie The Pooh, but we sure would have included him in our bartering - if we had decided to bring this lovely chair home with us.2012-01-15_14-08-44_216Fortunately, I don’t need a wheelchair and I don’t know anyone who does.  If you’re interested, I’d be glad to give you directions to this little shop.  You could head that way to see if this special ‘find’ is still there – waiting for you!


  1. LOL, that is a hoot! A push mower, indeed! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

    Oh dear, I see you have the word verification on. I hope you will consider turning it off. Blogger has made it dreadful. I may not be back because it is much too difficult to read the word and keep trying to get them to take.

  2. Oh, Dear, I'm sorry to hear that. Praying for the pain and arthritis to go, in the name of Jesus. I am much shorter too. :( Hugs ~

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you so much for changing the settings! Hooray!!! I bet you'll get more comments now too! (the good kind, LOL)

  5. Glad you are feeling better. I didn't see it along my way to the beach.

  6. If wheelchairs can be cute, this one is. :))
    I surely was glad to see you had visited. I always love your visits.
    So so glad your back is "back" to normal. Yes, sometimes, as we age, we DO have to learn to do things a little differently.
    Hugs and kisses, bj

  7. So glad your back is better..nothing worse than back pain! I also am shorter than I used to be...I'm really not sure how that happened because my goal has been to get taller..because I realized I'm not fat.....just short.

  8. Cute chair:)...Really, I am glad you are feeling better and it wasn't a fracture...and I bet that Joey is glad too! Have a great week!

  9. Glad your back has improved Adrienne and that your bones are ok. Oh how we all lose a little height as we get older.

    That is an amazing piece of equipment. The operator might get covered in grass cuttings though.

  10. Oh, Adrienne, I've been gone and didn't know about your back. I'm glad you're doing better and will pray for relief!
    Now that wheelchair is a complete hoot! I had to take a double take when I saw the lawnmower blades! :)
    Take care of yourself.
    I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and my height was taken and I've shrunk 1/2 inch! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. That wheelchair cracks me up. Don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it. Sorry to hear about your back. I've got a lot of pain from arthritis in my back too. It's a catch 22 because I need to exercise and walk to keep limber and out of pain, but it hurts so bad to exercise and walk. Go figure.

  12. Hope you feel better soon and I am very glad that you didn't need that wheel chair!

  13. Hi Adrienne, what a cute wheelchair - do you think we could even go fast enough to actually mow the lawn? Have a happy and back-pain free week!

  14. What a good post to have myself a good laugh today! Of course I must say...I was drawn to the RED and hey, good way to ride the grands around! Ha! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. Good news that you are feeling better, and that your bones are strong.

    The chair gave me the giggles. And, of course Pooh must be included.


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