
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


There is a saying around here:  ‘If you don’t like the weather in Oregon – wait five minutes!’  Never was that more true than during the last few days.

My sweetheart and I celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary last weekend.  We slipped away to the place where we spent our honeymoon on the Oregon Coast.  Our days away were just what we needed before we returned to the hectic pace of life.  The entire Oregon Coast is amazingly beautiful but this part of the coast has a special beauty all it’s own.  The weather was ‘crazy’ this weekend.  Most of the time the skies were gray and cloudy.  There were times when the rain seemed to come down by buckets full and the wind blew hard against our window and howled down the fireplace chimney.  We stayed safe and warm and enjoyed the view outside our window.
Then -  suddenly we would be surprised and delighted to see the sun break through the clouds and shine down on us.
The sunshine usually didn’t last long before the clouds returned and brought rain again.  It didn’t matter what happened outside - we enjoyed watching the waves just beyond our deck.
In between the rain and sunshine we had showers of sleet that dropped a slippery, white winter mix of snow and freezing rain pellets on our deck.
Yesterday morning we woke to find that it had begun to snow!
We enjoyed our weekend away.  Just time together - away from the routines of life.  It was exactly what we needed - in one of our favorite places.  The Oregon Coast always seems to ‘call’ to us.  We will return – in the rain, in the sun and, perhaps, in the snow.  No matter what the weather, we will be patient and wait because we know it won't be long and it will change!


  1. Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary! What a gift from God you and your sweetie have with one another! Praise the Lord for Committement! Enjoyed your post today.

  2. Happy anniversary! The photos are truly beautiful! What changes you experienced! Happy that your time together was so refreshing and restful!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Your pictures are is amazing how the weather changed!

  4. I love the Oregon coast anytime, but for some reason I love it best of all this time of year. Your pictures are lovely. Happy Anniversary.

  5. I am an Oregon girl. It is beuatiful at the coast!
    I'm glad you enjoyed your get away!!!

  6. Happy Anniversary Dear Friend!! So glad you and hubby were able to get some time away and enjoy each other!!!

    Looks like Oregon is still having crazy weather! It was cold cold here today though the sun was shining so it made you think it was warm outside then you when you stepped outside you realized -nope- it's still cold!!

    Come by and sign up for my fun giveaway!

    bee blessed

  7. Wishes for the very happiest anniversary, and many wishes for more years of shared love.

    Your getaway sounds perfect, and the weather changes were a special gift to create another shared memory.

  8. Sounds like British weather.
    Congratulations on your 40th anniversary and may there be many more.
    Lovely photos.

  9. I've always loved the Oregon coast. Your pictures are truly beautiful. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. Life is Good, right?

  10. Congratulations on 40 years! It look like you had a little something from each season weather wise, lol. But that makes for some great down time. May you enjoy many more years of love♥

  11. your pictures are stunning...snow???wow. There is nothing quite like the Oregon coast...but oh how I love the Calif. coast

  12. Happy Anniversary, how wonderful you were here when we had snow. I took a lot of pictures too. Im always so surprised when it happens since rain is the norm here. Glad to hear you had a nice time.


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