
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stop! Thief!!

A few days ago as I was getting ready to go out for the morning I quickly slipped a protein bar into my purse.  I take one with me when I go out so I’ll have a bit of nourishment handy if I need something between meals.  I went about the business of getting ready to go, doing little things around the house and taking care of some business.  Shortly before I left the house I realized I needed to eat something so I decided to get the protein bar.  Reaching into the side pocket of my purse where I had put the protein bar – or where thought I had put it - I found it wasn’t there!  Was I having a senior moment again?  I turned my purse around and tried the side pocket on the other side of my purse.  No, not there!  Now what was going on?  Why couldn't I find it?  How could I have missed it?  As I rummaged through all the pockets inside and outside of my purse – and finding nothing – I decided to do something drastic.  I emptied the contents of my entire purse in search of the allusive protein bar.  Nothing!  How could that be?  I was sure I had put it in my purse.  I sat and thought for a minute or two before a sudden realization dawned on me.  The protein bar was gone – and so was someone who had, up until a few minutes ago, been sleeping in the living room.  Now, I was onto something!  I was sure the mystery would soon be solved.

A short walk down the hall to my bedroom was all it took to find what had happened to my protein bar.  I stood at the door into our room and called the suspected culprit’s name.  Slowly, ever so slowly, a tiny bit of a black nose poked out from under our bed.  As I kept calling, the thief crouched close to the ground and, with eyes cast downward, eventually completely emerged from under the bed.  Aha!  Caught!  Sure enough.  With the alleged thief nearby, I lay on the floor and looked under the bed.  Can you imagine what I saw?  Yes – you’re right!  You guessed it.
There - under my bed -  was the wrapper and the missing protein bar.  Partially eaten.  Thoroughly enjoyed, I’m sure.  Now tell me, who would have thought someone this cute could do such a dastardly deed?  How cute this sweet little face be the face of a thief?


  1. LOL! Oh that pup!
    So glad your time at the coast was lovely even if the weather wasn't. I love the beach in all weather!

  2. Oh mommy...he so sorry....he was hungry AGAIN....can he give you a kiss??
    Oh, I am sure the thief just got a pat on the tummy!!

  3. LOL! I guess "somebody" forgot to put food in his dish!

  4. Hard to be angry and someone so cute.

  5. I don't know Adrienne, he has a shifty look to him that means he is not to be trusted! Lol, the little stinker!

  6. LOL! And he knew enough to hide under the bed with the loot!

  7. that is so funny Adrienne!! Our dog Jesse has a favorite food- Dairy! I caught him with his paws on the counter the other day eyeing the butter I had left there! One Thanksgiving he licked the whipped creme off one of the pies- the whole thing had to go in the trash!

  8. LOL! He does look kind of shifty to me too!!

  9. :) He is so cute. I'm glad it wasn't chocolate.

  10. Oh my goodness, look at that sweet face! I know that precious baby didn't get in trouble, how could anyone scold that little sweetie???

  11. Such a funny Joey! They do make us smile with their antics. Silly Boy!

  12. : )))))) Sneaky boy. Cute sneaky boy.

  13. bwahahaaaha. love it. :o)
    love his guilty face even more. :o)

  14. Cute story! He's not a bad boy, just a hungry boy!



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