
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Long Winter’s Nap

We’ve had some very cold winter days lately – some have been rainy, some have been dry.  Once in awhile we’ve had days filled with sunshine.  And sometimes, on a cloudy day, the sun breaks through and warms our hearts (and our hands).  On one of those days recently, Miss Savannah decided to go outside.  It wasn’t long before I glanced through the window and saw that she was enjoying a bit of sunshine.PB261888She was asleep – on the hot tub!  Enjoying the warmth from above and a bit of warmth from below.  It was the perfect place to take a long, winter’s nap!  She seemed to be totally unaware that it was winter.  Just a warm, contented kitty cat.  She reminded me of a little song my dad used to sing to me:
Lazy bones, sleeping in the sun.
How do you ever expect to get your day’s work done?
PB261889Again, today, there were some ‘patches’ of sunshine.  Where do you think I found Miss Savannah?  You’re right!  Taking another long winter’s nap!  Just being a 'lazy bones' - sleeping in the sun!


  1. Oh, what a wonderful day for Miss Savannah! I wish I could have snoozed the day away, LOL!

  2. Cats seem to have a way to find the most comfortable places to sleep. She looks very content and happy here.

  3. That little snooze going on there sure looks nice! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. Oh Miss Savannah is such a beautiful, smart kitty! She knows where she needs to be. Wish we were all that intuitive sometimes!

  5. The dear little things always seem tofind the one scrap of sunshine to lay in:>) I would love a sunshine nap right about now!

  6. Oh how I would love joining Miss Savannah there. This is a perfect place for a nap in the sun.

  7. Aw, she is so cute and sweet. Reminds me of the little old kitty I lost.


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