‘Hope like the sun,
when we journey toward it,
casts the shadow of our burden behind us.’
- Samuel Smiles -
‘Hope like the sun,
when we journey toward it,
casts the shadow of our burden behind us.’
- Samuel Smiles -
All who are thirsty,
All who are weak,
Come to the fountain,
Dip your heart in the stream of life.
Let the pain the the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of His mercy
As deep cries out to deep
We sing -
Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Song: ‘All Who Are Thirsty’
Brenton Brown and Glenn Robertson
Vineyard Songs
The days have begun to have that ‘feel’ of Fall in the air – and there are other changes around here! I have changed my blog to a private domain. Over the next three days everything from my blog will be redirected to my new blog address:
You may want to change your blog readers or your Favorites list. I’ll still be here – and I hope more often! This is a change I’ve thought about for a long time and I decided it was time – time to make a change.
There are other changes in my life and I can’t wait to share them with you soon. Don’t worry – they are good changes. Exciting changes that are making a big difference for me! (Not to worry, my sweetheart is still here!)
Please contact me if you have any problems accessing my blog. I’ve been assured the transition will be smooth. We shall see!
I saw this on someone’s Face Book page and I just couldn’t help myself – I had to share it with you! If you’ve been following my blog for awhile you know I love, love, love the piano – and I love cats! Maybe you don’t know that I used to teach piano lessons. I think that’s why this video tickles my funny bone so much because, if you watch closely, you will see that the lady of this house is a piano teacher. (I was not blessed with side-by-side grand pianos, however!) I can’t for the life of me imagine how this talented cat came by her ‘ear’ for music. Scroll down and turn off the music on my PlayList, sit back, watch and enjoy!
And if that's not enough - here's the sequel - her encore!
My cup overflows with blessings.
Psalm 23:5
New Living Translation
Have you noticed how wet your table is? God wants you to stay. Your cup overflows with joy. Overflows with grace.
You have a place at God’s table. And he is filling your cup to overflowing.
from 'Traveling Light’
by Max Lucado
Awhile ago I won a give-away from Shari at My Cottage of Bliss. Shari gave me a choice of gift cards from several great places and I chose a three-in-one gift card from HomeGoods, TJ Maxx or Marshall’s. I was thrilled and excited and couldn’t wait to find something very special. Since it’s a bit of a drive from my little community in the suburbs to any of these places I had to wait a bit longer than planned before I could ‘spend’ my gift card. But, oh, was it worth the wait! I think I saw nearly everything in HomeGoods before I rounded a corner and – there it was! Oh, the house of my dreams – my little cottage of bliss! Just waiting for me.
My dear cousin was with me when I found it and she agreed with me – this little house ‘looked just like me’! It was perfect. Exactly the kind of house I would love to have in real life. If were a little birdie I would move in right now!
(Thank you, Shari, for your wonderful gift to me – I think of you and your real-life Cottage of Bliss every time I see it. If you haven’t met Shari, be sure to stop by and visit her blog and see the wonderful new place they are renovating so they can move in soon.)
Last week I celebrated my birthday. The daytime hours were like most any day – the morning hours were spent in my chaplain ministry and during the afternoon I ‘puttered’ around the house, doing things that needed to be done. But late in the afternoon everything changed! My sweetheart had planned and organized a family barbecue – exactly what I wanted. I wanted time with my family gathered together! He outdid himself. I was very proud of him and the way he had each of the gals (my dear little mother, our daughter, daughter-in-law and my cousin) participate. Before most of the crowd arrived my cousin and her hubby came and were busy with assigned tasks. Whenever I wandered into the kitchen or outside to the patio I was told to go relax, put up my feet and get ready for a party! The dining room table was decorated, as were two tables on the patio. My sweetheart bought potted plants for centerpieces on each table. Is it any surprise that the blooms on the plants were yellow?
Tiny pots of little cactus were added to the floral centerpieces – chosen by my sweetheart so I could plant a little cactus garden later.
My sweetheart reigned over the grill – the aroma of chicken filled the air.
Soon my family began to arrive. Everyone had such a good time together. My dear mother and our granddaughter, Miss E. . .
And our youngest granddaughter, Miss H., arrived in her party dress. She and her aunt, our daughter-in-law, Mrs. K, seemed to enjoy spending time together.
Yesterday I joined a special group of friends as we travelled a ways through the Columbia River Gorge to spend time enjoying our friendship and relaxing in a wonderful place on the Washington side of the Columbia River.
We are all on the board of Friend To Friend, a once-a-month women’s ministry in the Portland area. This was our first board ‘retreat’ – a fun day away together to relax, renew our friendships, have lunch together and discuss the coming year (September to May). We drove east on the Oregon side of the Gorge, crossed over into Washington on the Bridge of the Gods in Cascade Locks. . .
Lunch together was fun. We shared about recent vacations and updates about our families and lots of girl-talk. We spent time talking about and finalizing plans for the coming months of Friend To Friend.
After lunch we had to visit the gift shop – a great place! There were so many lovely things. Soon it was time to say goodbye and head home. We had such a good time – and we want to return again sometime. It was a wonderful way to spend time together with dear friends. A refreshing break in our busy lives – a retreat that refreshed the body. And the soul!