I've been away for a few days and will try to catch up with you soon. In the middle of my busy summer God surprised me with a visit from my very dear friend from college days. She's the girlfriend who, with her hubby, joined my sweetheart and I in San Francisco last summer. While we were thrilled to spend time together again, her visit was overshadowed with sadness. She came to Oregon for the memorial service of a dear friend from days long ago – they were the kind of friends who, though they didn’t see each often, always seemed to pick up where they had left off the last time. I met both of them when we attended the same small college. I felt so honored to attend the service this last weekend with my friend and to be included with her in the family group. The memorial service was one of the most beautiful I’ve attended – a real tribute to a life that seemed to end too soon but one that made such a difference in the lives of those around her. And so, over the last few days my time has been spent with my dear friend. Routine things of life were set aside and we both treasured the chance to deepen our friendship more than ever. She has returned home and my house just doesn’t seem the same without her.
My sweetheart and I planned to drive a ways south last evening to the beautiful new home of our son, daughter-in-law and three precious grandsons. Just over a week ago they moved into the home that was built for them. We were delighted to have a tour of the finished house shortly before moving day. Because of my sweetheart’s work schedule we weren’t able to go last night but plans are in place to go later this week. I can’t wait to see how my lovely daughter-in-law has begun to decorate their wonderful new home. Please come inside and take a tour with me.

Please step inside. The entryway is just the beginning – there is so much to see!

The beautiful wood and iron work on the staircase immediately draws our eyes up toward the rooms above.

Through a door just to the left of the staircase we enter the gorgeous formal dining room. It is such a sunny day and the room is filled with a lot of sunlight, making photos of the room nearly impossible. But there will be another day to look at the room – let’s just look out the side window. The view is wonderful.

Straight ahead we get a peek into the new kitchen. 
Let’s go in and see more. 
Looking across the island from the sink, to the right, you can look back into the dining room.

I love the way the sun and shadows play across the room. (The door on the left opens into a nice pantry.)

The kitchen opens into the great room – and it is a great room! 
The view from the windows is wonderful – hillsides filled with trees and homes below. 
Between the great room windows and the kitchen, double doors leading to a huge deck let in more light. 

Once we step outside onto the deck it’s not hard to see that this is a place to relax – and enjoy the view. There’s my sweetheart and our son. I hear them talking about the backyard below and the retainer wall that needs to be built. No matter, let's just enjoy the view – in the distance we can see the mountains. I feel like singing ‘On A Clear Day You Can See Forever’! 

From the we can see Mt. Jefferson today. 
Back inside, let’s head upstairs. 

The laundry room is big and open – upstairs, right where most of the laundry ‘happens’. 

Nearby we see bedrooms that will be home to three active young boys. 
Oh, there’s my sweetheart and my son again – they are checking things out to be sure everything is ready for the boys!

The sun is so bright in our youngest grandson’s room that I can’t get a good photo. This is the view from his door into the hallway.

The Master Bedroom is at the end of the hall. 
Look who’s here – wonder what my guys are discussing now? 
As we walk into the Master Bathroom the shower is on the left and the whirlpool garden tub straight ahead. (I’m already thinking about the next time I stay with the boys for a few days. Hmmm. . .wonderful if I’ll be able to spend some time in this tub?)

Near the door, double sinks - and mirrors waiting to be hung. The door on the left of this photo leads into a huge walk-in closet. 
Back downstairs, just off the Great Room, stairs lead to the full daylight basement below. 
Wow! What a great place for the boys to play, enjoy family fun together and spend time with friends!

The door on the right side of the photo above opens into a full bathroom. (There's another mirror waiting to be hung.)

At the far end of the big room downstairs is a bedroom – the guest room. I think I’d like to be a guest and stay there often! Or, when my sweetheart and I decide we need to move to other quarters, maybe we can live downstairs! I told our son that I won’t mind if his sweet wife serves our meals downstairs when we get too old to climb the stairs to eat with them. Wonder why he didn’t say anything? Just smiled. He must have thought I was joking!

Just outside the double doors lead from the big room to a patio under the deck above and a big yard - waiting for lawn and some young boys to play there. 

There they are again – I think they are working on a plan!

Another view of the mountains – from the back yard.

Looking up at the house from the back gives a totally different perspective. 
Let’s go back upstairs and take one last look around inside. When we get to the top of the stairs. . . 
We’ll walk back through the entryway and go outside. Please close the door behind you.

I have to take one more look down the street to see the mountain before we go.

Thank you for joining me for the tour of our kids’ beautiful new home. God did some very wonderful things to give them this place of sanctuary for their family and to share as they bless others with His gift to them. They plan to use their new home to minister to people who need a quiet place to land. Many of their friends minister in small, sometimes difficult, places. Our son and daughter-in-law want to make the downstairs guestroom and big family room available for times of rest, quiet and relaxation to them. And to other people God brings them into their lives. Kind of like an unofficial Bed &Breakfast. I’m thinking maybe I’d like to ‘hide’ away there often, too – but would that really be a place for quiet and rest? Not when there are three special young boys who would want to jump climb on my bed and share moments of my life. Oh, what a way to go! It might just be what this grandma needs!