Odds And Ends And A Cup Of Tea
I wish you could come by today, knock on my door, sit for awhile and chat over a cup of tea. I would ask about your family and what you have been doing and I would tell you all about my dear ones and give you the latest news.
Our son, Mr. J., arrived home from his missions trip to Europe on Friday afternoon. He spent the weekend resting and relaxing and enjoying time with his family. There was time to debrief, catch up with each other and just enjoy the blessings of home.
You have asked how our daughter and her children are doing since losing their young husband and father in December. They are doing as well as possible in a difficult situation. Our daughter, Mrs. M., is a strong young woman. She is moving forward and making good decisions for herself and the children. Each day is a challenge as she adjusts to life as a single mom. Her kids are out of town this week. Our son-in-law's cousin and her husband have become more involved in the childrens' lives. They own a condo near Anaheim, California so they asked to take the kids - Miss A. (11), Mr. C. (8) and Miss E. (6) - to Disneyland for Spring Break! I tried to beg and plead with the kids to let me go with them! I offered to ride in the trunk of the car, in their suitcase - or their pocket - but no amount of appealing to their hearts got me a place on this trip. They offered instead to bring autographs from Micky and Minnie. And maybe a few more of our favorite Disney characters. Of course we are thrilled that they can go. And our daughter is enjoying a few days with her best friend who arrived from out-of-state for a visit.
And I would share my exciting news with you! Later today I am getting a puppy!! A gift from my daughter. He is a miniature Doxie (daschund). The sweetest little guy. It all started when I took our oldest granddaughter, Miss A., to the pet store so she could see the new puppies! Next thing I knew my heart had been stolen by this little guy, but I walked away. Soon my daughter devised a plan to give him to me for my birthday - my August birthday!! Isn't he the cutest little fellow? And look at Miss A.'s eyes - she's pleading with me, 'Please - wouldn't you like to have him?' He has been at my daughter's home for a few days while I worked to puppy-proof our home. He came a 'home visit' the other day and it was fun. Miss Savannah, my cat, wasn't sure about him! Today he moves in to stay. I haven't yet decided on his name. Miss A. named him 'Jerry' - not the name I would have chosen for my puppy. She knows I may not keep that name but she hopes it can be part of his name. As you and I talk over tea I would ask if you think I should keep that name just because she chose it, or should I choose a different name? I've thought of calling him Jeremiah, which would be close to 'Jerry'. Miss A. likes that idea. Some of my family and friends think that it's too big a name for him - too many syllables. Especially for a little guy. I do have a name in mind that includes Jeremiah as his middle name but I'm still undecided. As we sip our tea I would ask if you have any suggestions. Any advice? For now I plan to bring him home and watch him romp and play, get acquainted for a day or two and then make it official. And when it's official - I'll be sure to tell you!Edited to add: A name has already been chosen and it suits him to a T! The dear folks closest to me agree that it's the perfect name. It all happened quite suddenly not long after he arrived at our home. I misunderstood what my sweetheart called him - and I loved the name I thought he said. I'm gathering photos of our dear little pup and in a day or two I will formally introduce him to you. And I'll reveal his name at that time!
I wish we could enjoy tea together. I'm glad your son made it safely home and that your daughter and her family are doing alright. That was cute about your begging to go with them. I think Jeremiah might be a little to long of a name, when it comes to calling him. No suggestions, but I know you will think of a good name. Jerry is kinda cute, you could draw it out- J er er ry. A short for Jeremiah ~
ReplyDeleteAs the Lord leads I've been praying for both your son and daughter. I'm thankful your son's trip to Europe was fruitful and that your daughter is in the tender embrace of our Lord. <><
ReplyDeleteAnimal names. tHat cAt was already named when we adopted him but I sometimes call him Sir Timothy or Pumpkin (which he hates cuz he's a manly man kitty) or Buckey or Charlie, rather than Tiger.
We've talked about getting a dog, a yellow lab again, and naming her Petunia or Norma or Margaret or Carol or Doris. We're strange like that. ;o)
I think once you get used to your new puppy a name will come to you and be *just right* for him. It'll roll off your tongue with ease and he'll respond. That's what I think, since you asked and all. :o)
Adorable puppy!
Hmmmm, dog naming is really like naming your very own baby, right?? Watch him romp awhile and it'll all come together!
ReplyDeleteI am so far behind with reading blogs, and I'm so happy I stopped by on your special day! Congratulations! I didn't know you were expecting!! What an adorable little doggie! I'll think about a name tonight while I'm waiting to fall asleep! No, he doesn't look like a "Jerry!" LOL!
ReplyDeleteA long time ago our dog had some puppies, 3 girls and a boy. I named the boy "Mr. BeauJangles" and called him Beau. I thought the name was so cute, but when the buyer took him they named him "Willie!??" Boooo!!
I'm so happy your grandchildren are at Disneyland, that is great!
I'm glad that your son had a good trip. I was thinking about your daughter the other day and continue to keep her in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to *meet* your new little guy! :)
Good to get an update on your dear daughter's situation Adrienne and to see the travels of your son.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you are going to love the puppy. I am a cat person myself but your puppy looks adorable.
Adrienne I am about to post an award for you on my blog which you richly deserve. These awards come with all kinds of instructions but I prefer to do what I want to do and leave you too, to do what y ou want to do.
Hello Adrienne, what a cute little guy your puppy is! Can't wait to hear the name you have chosen, I was thinking of Jimminy - you know like in Jimminy Cricket? It's sort of close to Jerry?!?!? Well, have a great week, and I will be looking for that new post from you!
Hi Adrienne,
ReplyDeleteI, too, wish we could visit in person! Oh, what a wonderful time we'd have.
Glad your son's mission trip went well! I'm also glad to hear that your daughter and grandchildren got to go Disneyland.
What a sweet pup...can't wait to hear his name.
I also want to thank you for stopping by for a visit. You always leave me the sweetest comments, Adrienne.
Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend!
I am so glad for the update on your son, glad that he got home safely from his wonderful mission. Also glad to hear that your daughter and the kids are coping, I still keep them in my prayers.