an image given back by a reflecting surface;
an effect produced by an influence;
a thought, idea, or opinion formed;
a remark made as a result of meditation.
There are many things in life that give way to times of reflection - the loss of a loved one is one of those times. Reflection about the events involved, reflection of the life lost, reflection about changes we would make if we could go back in time - or what we want to change from this point on. There have been many times of reflection over these past weeks. Some of those reflections are still taking form in our hearts; others can be put into words. From my heart to yours I share the following reflections.
* We will never be the same again. And we don't want to be!
* Things that seemed so important have suddenly taken a backseat to the truly important things of life. People - and relationships - are at the forefront of our thoughts. They are what matters most. Time together is precious and of high value.
* There is no way to describe the importance of words of encouragement and endearment. Words like 'I love you.' 'I'm proud of you.' 'You're special to me.' 'Thank you for the way you touch my life.' Words we often hold within our hearts and don't say - for some reason.
* Time together is never time wasted. Family get-togethers are being planned like never before. Vacation and camping trips together are beginning to be part of our thoughts.
* Our daughter is a strong young woman. Her courage and grace in the face of grief amazes me. She is taking one step at a time on this new road and she flexes with the need of each moment to help the children and herself begin to move forward.
* God daily brings someone or something special her way to give her hope. People from near and far - known and unknown - are praying and giving of themselves in ways we never dreamed possible. The generosity shown is incredibly overwhelming. At times nearly unbelievable.
* In the middle of the storm we will still praise God. While we don't understand right now, we know we can trust Him. Now and always.
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror;
then we shall see face to face.
Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
I Corinthians 13:12
Postscript: Dear friends - Words seem totally inadequate to express the depth of gratitude in my heart for your kind words of comfort, support, love, friendship and encouragement over these past days. You have reached into our hurting hearts in ways you may never know. Your comments and emails have blessed me more than you know. 'Thank you' doesn't seem to be enough! Our daughter and the children are slowly moving forward. She is working through a lot of details that need to be cared for. Things like business and practical things like cleaning and rearranging her home to meet her needs as a single mother - things like rearranging shelves so a short person can reach them without the help of a tall husband. She is walking through her grief with healthy thoughts and with a eye to the future ahead. God is providing for her needs and the needs of the children each day. While she is continually conscious of the needs of the children she is aware of the importance to take time for herself. The children have returned to school. Last week was a struggle for them to get back into school but by the end of the week they were all on the bus and at school at the same time. My sweetheart and I are spending much time with them. Our phone seems to always be involved with conversations back and forth. My sweetheart is helping with practical things that our son-in-law would have cared for. We gladly give our time, our energy - our hearts - to our dear ones. Our son-in-law's parents live just three blocks from our home and they have been an incredible source of strength and help while their hearts are breaking by the loss of their son. God is truly at work! Every day we are aware that His hand is holding ours as we walk the new road ahead. A road with twists and turns and unseen challenges. I love the words of the old Gospel song that says, 'Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand but I know Who holds the future - and I know Who holds my hand.'
I am trying to catch up with your comments and emails. They mean so much to me and to our daughter. I plan to print them all out and make a special little book for her in the near future. And I will return soon to more regular blogging - at times, I'm sure, I will look back and share more reflections from my heart. But then, isn't that what friends do when they are together?
With a truly grateful heart -
I just found your's so beautifully written! Thanks for sharing your reflections, I've gained much insight. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please know that you and your family have been added to our prayers.
ReplyDeleteDearest Adrienne,
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for your daughter when I read your posts. I am sure one of Gods many blessings is a loving family to hold her and the kids up, not only with your actions but with your prayers. We have lost loved ones too in the past, and I have experienced Gods grace in the loss first hand. It is amazing and wonderful. I pray for your family that God will continue to heal and comfort and provide. Much love
Thank you for the update Adrienne. You all have been on my heart so much lately. It's wonderful that you and your hubby, and your daughter's in-laws, live near and are available and willing to help. She will need a lot of help in the days to come, I'm sure. I feel for her when the children are at school and she's all alone and has her time to "reflect." It must be hard, but must be done for her to heal as well.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. . . family is so important. Unfortunately, sometimes we need a wake-up call like this to "really" get it through our thick heads. Life is so fleeting. We just never know.
Keeping you all covered in prayer.
Dear Adrienne,
ReplyDeleteYou, your daughter and the rest of your family have been in my thoughts and prayers...loosing loved ones is very hard (I lost both of my parents), but I can only imagine what your daughter and grandchildren are going through.
Love and prayers to you and your family,
What a lovely post Adrienne.Big hugs from me to you,dear friend.~Sharon
ReplyDeleteThat is a precious post, dear Adrienne. You are so amazing with your sweet spirit. I'm glad God is providing for all the needs of your family.
ReplyDeleteLove and Hugs,
My sweet friend
ReplyDeleteMy eyes filled with tears as I read your post, imagining if I were in your place. Our Father is a wonderful comforter as I know you've experienced but I know it's still difficult. I continue to pray for you every day. Please don't feel any need to respond back. You have enough on your plate. Just know that you are loved.
Hugs, Rhondi
I was thinking of you just yesterday morning, Adrienne. I haven't been by for awhile. I am so saddened to hear of the loss of your son in law. My heart aches for your daughter. I'm keeping her and family in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteI've just copied your blog address, to put on my list. Have no idea why I haven't done that sooner! It will make it easier for me to remember to come by.
all i can do is send you lots of hugs for your baby girl and her children also...
Adrienne, my heart is full and overflowing with grief for this loss, yet with hope for all of you. I know for a fact that God is carrying you all through. I am so thankful that our prayers bring some comfort.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is the strong and wonderful woman she is because of you. Your family reflects great love.
I can't even imagine how your hearts must hurt Adrienne. But be assured that prayers are being said for your family. blessings, marlene
ReplyDeleteholding you and yours tenderly in prayer. <><
ReplyDelete**Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand but I know Who holds the future - and I know Who holds my hand**
Oh sweet blessings are these words.
A very sweet post. Sometimes I wonder how people who aren't believers can make it through their grief. I'm so thankful you and your family have such great faith and can feel His touch. Yes, we know Who holds our hand as we look toward the future!
I'm still praying for your family, Adrienne. I am glad to see you posting and hearing how your daughter and grandchildren are doing.