Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Artwork (top): 'Prayer Warrior' by Danny Hahlbohm
Both of these pieces need a bit of cleaning and some paint. I haven't decided what color they will be or exactly how I'll use them. I would love to hear your suggestions. You may give me ideas I've not thought of yet. You'll see them again when they are finished. You'll be the first to know!
Or this.But that is not what I got that Christmas morning! No, my sweetheart couldn't just go out and buy a ready-made set. Not him! He is a very thoughtful, creative, fun person who enjoys doing special things for those he loves. Especially me! Add to that the fact that he works for Stanley Tools and you can imagine that I must have the BEST. It wouldn't do for me to have just any old tools. Not cheap tools. Not any brand. (See his shirt?)
You can imagine my surprise on Christmas morning when I opened a box that didn't seem to be the right size for the gift I had requested. But I soon found that what he gave me was not only a practical toolbox - it was a gift of love. Something special. Like no other toolbox. And there was no other lady on earth with a toolbox like this one!
I had a little red toolbox. A Stanley toolbox!
In the meantime, I have plans. Big plans. Oh, it wouldn't be exciting to some people. I just plan to do some things I've not had a chance to do. Things that make a mess and must be picked up before day's end. Now I can make the mess and leave it until the projects are complete. Messes than involve paint. I hope to paint new, cut-to-size baseboards that will be ready to install when my sweetheart returns. And I have plans to paint a few other things while he is away. One little Friday find that you haven't seen before is waiting for attention. I won't tell you what it is but I'll show you just a bit. Very soon it will be ready to make its debut. When that time comes I'll show you the before and after photos so you can see how much my sweet little piece was transformed. So, without further adieu, here it is!
The double gates will give access to my sweetheart's little boat, the lawnmower and whatever needs to be moved from one side to the other. The fence needs to be satined, landscape changes need to be made, more projects completed and a structure added to protect the little boat through the rainy winter months. When it's all finished we will sit on the patio and enjoy what was once just a dream. Land. Lots of land with the starry skies above. And we're fenced in. All fenced in!