Yesterday morning I left home for a day of chaplain ministry in two care centers not far away. I usually don't have my camera with me on ministry days but yesterday, at the last minute, I took it along. I'm so glad I did. As I headed south toward the care center in a neighboring community I discovered the clouds. Big. Beautiful. Beyond belief. My schedule required that I keep driving but my heart just longed to take my camera and go wherever I might. Just my camera and me.
Later in the morning I learned that a dear resident at the care center had unexpectedly passed away over the weekend. We were friends. Closer than any other resident I minister to. I was filled with sadness - not for her. For me. I will miss her. When I finished my time at the care center I needed a chance to step away for a while. I took time to just 'wander' with my camera and capture images of the clouds above. It was exactly what I needed. Camera therapy. Time. Alone. With my thoughts and tears. And the beauty of God's creation. 
Today I will attend the funeral of another dear lady I have ministered to over the past two years. She, too, was a special friend. A family friend for many years. Her smile when I arrived always tugged at my heartstrings. She has been ill for a very long time. The last miles of her earthly journey have not been easy but she, too, is home at last. Where she so longed to be. Healthy. Whole. With her Savior. Today we will celebrate her life and recall how much a quiet little lady gave to each of us. 
A song we often sing together in the care centers has real meaning to both of these dear friends. Now they both understand it better than ever.
Oh! they tell me of a home far beyond the skies -
And they tell me of a home far away.
Oh! they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise -
Oh! they tell me of an unclouded day.
Oh! they tell me of a home where my friends have gone
And they tell me of that land far away
Where the Tree of Life in eternal bloom
Sheds its' fragrance through the unclouded day.
Oh! they tell me of the King in His beauty there
And they tell me that mine eyes shall behold
Where He sits on a throne that is whiter than snow
In the city that is made of gold.
Oh! the land of cloudless skies -
Oh! the land of an uncloudy day;
Oh! they tell me of a home where no stormclouds rise -
Oh! they tell me of an unclouded day.