Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Kitty In The Window
Monday, January 28, 2008
On A Wintry Monday Morning
So, today I decided to share a recent gift from a dear friend of mine. She and her hubby were in Victoria, British Columbia recently. While staying at The Empress Hotel she bought a special gift to bring back to me. It is a treasure! The gift bag is wonderful.
In the bag was this beautiful box.
A look inside the box revealed this gorgeous gift.
A wonderful surprise from a very dear friend. I think it's time for a cup of tea. What a treat on a winter day.
I've been tagged to share 4 Things About Me by Katherine at Yellow Rose Arbor . Here is what I'm supposed to share:
1. Sound of Music
2. Sleepless in Seattle
3. The American President
4. You've Got Mail
1. Everett, Washington
2. Bend, Oregon
3. San Francisco, California
4. Astoria, Oregon
1. Martha Stewart
2. Home Decorating/Improvement
3. Quick Fix Meals With Robin Miller
4. Semi-Homemade Cooking With Sandra Lee
1. Mexico
2. Canada
3. Williamsburg, Virginia
4. St. Simons Island, Georgia
1. Beth (my dear friend from college days)
2. Betty (my former boss and now kindred-spirit friend)
3. My sweet daughter
4. My wonderful son
1. Chocolate
2. Ice cream
3. French toast
4. Beef (pot roast)
1. Someplace warm
2. Baja, Mexico (Orphanage/school/clinic)
3. Oaxaca, Mexico (Orphanage/ministry outreach to villages)
4. Any place with my sweetheart, my children and their families
1. Spending time with my grandchildren
2. Meeting new friends
3. Getting my home organized
4. Labor Day Weekend camping with sweetheart's siblings/spouses
1. Kathy
2. Mary
3. Paula
4. Mimi
Now you know a few more things about me that you didn't know before. A chance to get better acquainted.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Granny Goes To Tea

God is our refuge and strength,
Granny’s eyes twinkled as she reached into her pocket and took out a tea bag. From the other pocket she fetched a few well-wrapped cookies. The pastor thought to himself, “Now isn’t that just like Granny?”
And it is just like our Lord. In Revelation 3:20 Jesus invites us to come and dine, and we can be assured that He will bring the food! Some may say, “I have nothing to offer Him.” But any time we come to Him in prayer or in His word, we can be guaranteed of a feast.
A little snail was climbing a cherry tree in the early spring when the tree was in full bloom. A friendly rabbit hopped by and told the snail, “I don’t know why you are climbing that big cherry tree; there’s no fruit up there.” The snail replied, “There will be when I get there.”
You may not see how the Lord can answer your problems or bring you peace of mind, but be assured that if you go to Him, the help will be there by the time you get there. You may be slow in coming to Him, but be of good cheer – help is waiting there for you.
“God is our refuge and strength,
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A Spoon Full
In the box of treasures recently found in my attic were a few old spoons. I love old silver pieces, especially silverware. I love the detail and the beauty that was crafted into it. You can imagine how happy I was to find them. They were tarnished and needed care but the pictures taken before they were polished showed the detail best.
Spoons. I love old spoons. I love the front. . .

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Color Splash

Monday, January 21, 2008
Coming Soon!

Sunday, January 20, 2008
How Can I Keep From Singing?
And sing the songs You give
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Roses In Winter
Just before Christmas my sweetheart, my dear little mother and I were in a Goodwill about an hour south of home when I spied some wonderful old dishes. I really wanted to bring them home but we were in a bit of a rush to meet a deadline soon afterward, the lines were long and I wasn't sure I should spend the money with Christmas purchases still to be made. So I left them there! Later that evening as we drove toward home I was sure I had made a mistake. I wanted those dishes. I knew exactly where I would keep them. I knew just how I would use them. I thought about them so much that I nearly drove all the way back to that store the next morning to see if they were still there. But I didn't. Since then I haven't been able to get them out of my mind. And I decided that the next time I found a set of dishes that I really loved - at a good price - I wouldn't hesitate.
So, the other day as I drove toward the Goodwill close to home I had this 'feeling'. Some of my blog friends seem to find dishes all the time that are just perfect. I felt sure I would find some, too, if I kept looking. The parking lot was full - oh, no! I was sure they were all in search of dishes. Most of the shopping carts were taken but I found one and headed straight to the dish aisle. As I rounded the corner I could not believe my eyes. Viola! A set of dishes that must have been put there just for me!! I was in love. Instantly. They couldn't have been more perfect for me. The price was great. I quickly put them into my cart. I browsed through the store a bit longer but found nothing else I wanted. As I made my way to the checkstand three different ladies stopped me to admire and exclaim over my find. One of them told me to find her and let her know if I changed my mind. She would buy them. No way was I going to change my mind. When I got to the checkstand and gave the cashier my Goodwill Club Card nearly $5.00 was discounted off the already-low price.! Here is what I found.

I collect yellow depression glass and old yellow pottery. They will be gorgeous together. Some of my yellow glass is in a vintage corner hutch in the dining room.

Friday, January 18, 2008
Favorite Pot Roast
6 lb. beef roast
2 tablespoons oil
2 teaspoons salt
¼ teaspoon oregano
¼ cup vinegar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 large onion
1 #2 ½ can (about 3 1/2 cups) sliced tomatoes
8 small carrots
3 tablespoons flour
½ cup water
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A Very Special Day
Thirty six years ago today my sweetheart and I stood before God, our friends and family and pledged our love to each other - forever. Would I do it over again? No question - I would not hesitate to say "I do" to the love of my life. I can't imagine life without him. He is a gentle, loving man who loves me beyond understanding. I have been blessed - we have been blessed. Life has been an adventure. Together.
I love you, my sweetheart. You are truly 'the wind beneath my wings.'
Edited to add: My sweetheart gave me a very special gift this morning. It is a treasure to my heart. He knew I admired it. He picked it out himself. I collect Willow Tree people and angels. It's a small, beginning collection. Today he added the piece that will always be at the top of my favorites - Promise: Hold dear the promise of love. It is on the top of the dresser in our room where we can see it and always remember this special gift from this special man on this special day.
Monday, January 14, 2008
A Special Birthday Wish
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A Complete Restoration

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Treasures From The Attic
When I was a little girl my Sunday School teacher was a wonderful, creative lady. She and my dear mother worked together to make sure our spiritual education was strong and complete. But they also wanted to let us have fun while we worked hard learning Scripture verses, learning to be faithful in our attendance and learning to give of ourselves and our money. They printed out pretend dollars for us to earn so we could save and 'buy' prizes. I will never forget the Sunday that we walked into the basement room where we met and found it filled with many treasures waiting to reward our efforts. Some of the prizes had been donated by a lady who had a wonderful gift shop in town. We worked hard and saved our Sunday School dollars until the day arrived when we could spend them. The person with the most dollars could choose first. I was number three! I had worked hard with a special prize in mind and for weeks I had hoped that no one else would take what I had my eye on. I was disappointed to be third because I just knew the two girls ahead of me would take what I wanted so I planned what I would take if that should happen. Would you believe they didn't want what I had my heart set on? When it was my turn I marched to the front of the room and carefully picked up the precious prize my young heart so desperately desired. It was a little, old oil lamp - not new by any stretch of the imagination all those years ago. You can understand why I treasure this little lamp so much and why through the years since that Sunday I have carefully guarded it and cherished it. When I found it again yesterday it was nearly as exciting as the day so long ago when it became mine.

When our children were quite young we bought an old farmhouse that had suddenly been surrounded by new homes. It was a wonderful, old house with lots of character and personality. There was a lot of work to be done and we carefully, lovingly worked hard at updating and remodeling. One of the things I loved so much about the house was its wrap-around front and side porch. One day our daughter was playing near the porch when she discovered something just under the side steps. She was very small so she squeezed under the steps and came out with this old bottle. I treasure it because she found it!
Another Avon milkglass soap dish that I like. The soaps were in it when I found it yesterday. Yellow roses are my favorite so it's understandable that I should have yellow rose soaps. This one is in the laundry room window, too, waiting for that new bathroom to be built.
When our daughter was a little girl she had a hard time keeping secrets about birthday and Christmas gifts. In her excitement she would try so hard but she usually let something slip that gave it away. More than twenty years ago she planned and shopped for her Christmas gift to me and that time she kept it quiet. On Christmas morning she handed her gift to me and with eyes as big as saucers and a smile that is etched on my heart she watched as I opened the gift she had chosen for me. When she told me where she got it I nearly cried because of her thoughtfulness and creativity. One of the ladies in our church sold 'House of Lloyd' gifts. Our daughter asked her if she had anything I would like for a certain amount of money. They carefully (and sneakily) got together and our daughter purchased something very special that I have treasured from that Christmas Day on. When I unwrapped this treasure from the attic yesterday it was as if our little girl were standing here again, asking "Do you like it, Mom?" You bet I do! Always and forever!
We lived in the southern part of our state for a few years when our children were in the early grades of school. After we moved back to this area - near my parents - my dear mother took our children Christmas shopping each year so they could buy their gifts for my sweetheart and me. She took them one at a time and made a special day of it, including lunch out with Grandma. One year our son bought this special gift for me. He was so proud of it. He put a lot of heart into it - that's what makes it so special. There was a delicate ribbon and little dried flowers around her neck. I will put a ribbon around her neck. Maybe flowers, too. Last Spring I wanted to put her in my living room but didn't know where she was. Now I know!
This is the only treasure in the tub I emptied yesterday that was damaged. Maybe it should have been wrapped better, or maybe the paper shifted in transport up and down the stairs. Whatever happened, I feel sad. Her ear was chipped. Maybe someone who works with ceramics could fix it. Maybe there's something else I could do to it. Do you have any suggestions?
There are more treasures to share and stories to tell soon. Until then I'll look at each one, hold it and remember the dear people who have such a special place in my heart. They are what makes each piece such a treasure. The 'things' might disappear but the people will always stay in my heart no matter what happens or where I go.