I say:
Lord, I need to talk to You
There's so much on my heart
So many burdens make it hard
And I don't know where to start
I thank You for my family
For Your mercy and Your love
Now on to more important things
I'll give my magic lamp a rub
Gimme this, I want that
Bless me Lord I pray
Grant me what I think I need
To make another day
Make me wealthy, keep me healthy
Fill in what I miss
on my never ending shopping list
Lord, You've been so good to me
How could I ask for more
But since You said to ask I will
'Cause what else is prayer for
The cattle on a thousand hills
They all belong to You
But I don't need any cows right now
But something else will do
Gimme this, I want that
Bless me Lord I pray
Grant me what I think I need
To make another day
Make me wealthy, keep me healthy
Fill in what I miss
On my never ending shopping list
Well I made my list and I checked it twice
And if I get it all it would sure be nice
I want a nice while smile on a perfect fact
And some perfect hair that will stay in place
I want a smaller nose and a single chin
And a figure like a perfect ten
I want some kids that never yell and scream
And some hips that fit into designer jeans
I want a brand new house with a heated pool
I can use them Lord for a witnessing tool
I want a color TV and a VCR
And some 'Jesus' plates on a brand new car
Gimme this, I want that
Bless me Lord I pray
Grant me what I thank I need
To make another day
Make me wealthy, keep me healthy
Fill I what I miss
On my never ending shopping list
He says:
'Be still and know that I am God.'
Song: 'Shopping List' - written by Larry Bryant
Scripture: Psalm 46:10