Sunday, October 28, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007
In loving memory of my dear friend who slipped quietly into the presence of Jesus last evening. This morning she saw the sunrise from the other side. The battle is over. Peace at last.
Hymn: "Sunrise"
Words by W.C. Poole
Melody by B.D. Ackley
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A New Day
Monday, October 22, 2007
Through The Fog
Our dear friend is declining rapidly and can no longer care for herself. It seems her life here with us will soon be over and it won't be long until she walks into the presence of the Saviour she loves and has served so long. While it's hard to watch, I have taken the legal responsibility to be there to help her and care for her through the days ahead. She has tried to stay in her home of many years - living alone. The time has come to make hard decisions that will mean big changes for her. This morning I will take her to see her doctor to ask tough questions and seek the assistance needed for the difficult choices that must be made. Over the last few days she has not been able to deal with the changes that so obviously must be made now. My dear daughter, Mrs. M., will go with us. She works in the medical world, specializing in elder and end-of-life care. She will hear what the doctor says and can interpret it in a way that will make the necessary choices easier to sort out.
I will have to make most of the decisions. Our dear friend trusts me and relys on me to do what is right. I only want God's best for her! I don't want to run ahead of Him - and I don't want to lag behind. I want to hear His voice and take one step at a time. His time, not mine. Today we need to hear His voice - clearly in the fog.
A few minutes ago the sun broke through the fog. The skies are blue and clear. No clouds. No fog. I rest assured that God will do the same in our situation today - no clouds, no fog. Just the Light of the Son shining into our lives!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
His Eye Is On The Sparrow
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Storm's A-Brewing'
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Look What Happened. . .
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A Treasure In My Hand
Page 245: "My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less." I don't recognize the words but the melody is familiar.In the back, Responsive Reading 537 is from Galatians 6:1-10, 16, 18. Verse 9 tells us not to "be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." I can't help but think of my dear Vietnamese Christian brothers and sisters who read these words. Many of them were required to stand strong and firm in their faith through unthinkable circumstances. How many of them lost their lives because they refused to "faint not" and remain true to their knowledge that they would reap Heavenly rewards?
A few days after I received this special hymn book I discovered an inscription in the front that brought back memories and moved me to tears. It says, "BLH from Ardel" - it was a gift to my dear friend from her friend and co-missionary, Dr. Ardel Vietti. Dr. Vietti was a single lady, a surgeon who was caring for and treating leprosy patients at a leprosarium located in dense jungle terrain near the provincial capitol of Ban Me Thuot, South Viet Nam. My dear friend, BLH, was stationed there during the early years of her missionary service before she was later transferred to Saigon. After she moved, on May 30, 1962, a group of about 12 armed Viet Cong entered the Leprosarium compound and abducted Dr. Vietti, Rev. Archie Mitchell (the Administrator) and Mr. Dan Gerber (a Mennonite peace missionary). It was believed that they were taken in order to treat injured Viet Cong forces. While the U.S. Government and their mission organizations worked fearlessly to locate and free them they were never able to do so. All three are listed as Viet Nam Prisoners of War.
I will never forget the morning I heard the first report of their abduction on the radio as I was getting ready for school. I went out into the living room and told my father what I had just heard. He immediately turned on the radio and searched until he heard the news story. As he listened he began to sob - his heart was broken! This news story touched close to home -- Rev. Archie Mitchell was my dad's roommate in Bible Institute, and he was a dear friend. Our family prayed daily through the following years for these three dear ones and their families who sacrificed so much for their faith.
Each time I hold this special book in my hands my mind goes to the dear people who lived and died for their faith in Viet Nam. I realize again that I know nothing of the real meaning of sacrifice. I am grateful that God keeps the records. He sees and knows those who do not get weary and 'faint' in well-doing and He rewards their faithfulness.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
We Give You Praise
For the beauty of the earth
For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
Hymn - "For The Beauty Of The Earth"
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Will You Marry Me?
by F. Muschamp
Today is a very special day for my sweetheart and I. Thirty-six years ago this evening he surprised me by asking me to marry him. I wasn't surprised that he asked me - the day and the place he chose surprised me. After my initial ecstatic "yes" he asked when I would like to get married. I said, "Tomorrow!" We considered a Christmas wedding but decided there would not be enough time to have the big church wedding we both wanted. We finally chose to have a January wedding.
My dear sweetheart and I lived three hours apart at the time and we had not known each other very long. But we knew that God had brought us together and we knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. He asked me not to tell anyone of our engagement for THREE WEEKS! He had already met my mother but had not yet met my father who had been out-of-state during the weeks since we met. My sweetheart wanted to meet him before we shared the joy of our wedding plans with our families.
Imagine asking a girl to marry you and then telling her she can't tell anyone she's going to get married soon! It was very hard - but I did it! I did not tell a soul - not even my very best friend. For the next three weeks I went to work as usual every day but during my lunch hour each day I was busy running around and planning all the details of our wedding. Several times during those weeks my family and friends would speculate that I would have a ring by Christmas. I couldn't tell them I would have a ring before the end of the month and that I would be married shortly after Christmas!
Would I marry him again? No doubt about it. Yes, absolutely yes!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
What God Hath Promised
God hath not promised smooth roads and wide,
Friday, October 5, 2007
Along A Country Road

Pinks . . .
Yellows . . .
Greens and reds . . .
Paintbox colors . . .
Rows and rows of red . . .
And a jolly ol' pumpkin.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Back Of The Clouds

My mind immediately filled with thoughts that had been heavy on my heart in the early morning hours -- my dear mother's visit to her doctor today, a very special cousin and her husband who are dealing with fierce storms in their lives and a treasured older friend (like a big sister to me) who is dealing with a terminal illness. Each of them so dear to me. But so much more precious to God! And I was reminded once again that He Who allows the storms shines eternal behind the storm clouds. Yes - behind the clouds the SON is always shining!