In 1935, Hall made the French-shape teapot for Lipton in its different colors. They were marked "Lipton Tea" on the bottom. Later teapots had no strainer like the first ones and were marked "Lipton Tea Made in USA" on the bottom. Later, Lipton offered a "Cozy Cover" teapot as a premium.
This is the Lipton Premium Cozy Cover Teapot. It holds 6 cups and is in excellent condition. The lid is flat. The cozy is lined, has a knob and fits over the entire pot.
The teapot handles are shaped slightly different from the similar style that was produced by Hall for Forman. Yellow has been the only color reported and these are marked "Hall" in a circle on the bottom.

I will cherish this special teapot for many years and enjoy using it when I share tea with friends. If you are ever in my neighborhood, please stop by. I'll make a pot of tea in my yellow Cozy Cover Teapot and we will have a fine time together.
What a lovely find! I had a white one with a copper cozy that was similar, but I found that the handle was hollow on mine and got really hot when I poured the hot water in. Hope yours doesnt have the same problem!